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Getting Started with Automation

Put your projects on autopilot with the automation feature in Taskade.

Updated yesterday

What Is Taskade Automation?

Taskade Automation allows you to automate routine tasks and projects, create custom workflows, and streamline team collaboration. You can use it to:

  • πŸ”„ Automate repetitive tasks by setting up triggers and actions.

  • πŸ› οΈ Design custom workflows tailored to your team's needs.

  • πŸ”Œ Integrate with services like Google Sheets, Slack, and WordPress.

  • πŸ€– Build advanced workflows with custom AI Agents.

  • And much more!

How "If This, Then That" Works

Taskade Automation the simple but powerful "If this happens, then do that" logic. Think of it like setting up dominoes; when the first one falls (an event you choose), it makes the next one fall (an action you've set up).

Here are a few examples:

  • If you add a new task, then Taskade can automatically tell your team about it.

  • If a customer gives feedback, then Taskade can set up a task to look into it.

  • If you hit your sales target, then Taskade can create and send a report right away.

It's that simple.


Triggers kickstart automations by monitoring for specific conditions. Once these are met, they prompt a chain of automated actions, acting as the "if" in the "if this, then that" equation.

πŸ’‘ Note: Visit this article to learn more about Triggers.


Triggers launch the automation sequence β€” they're the "then" in "if this, then that." Actions automatically occur once the triggers' conditions are met.

πŸ’‘ Note: Visit this article to learn more about Actions.

Create Your First Automation

  • Go to the Automations tab in your workspace or folder.

  • Click βž• Add automation

    • (optional) Use one of the available templates (scroll down to learn more).

  • Click βž• Add Trigger and choose a trigger from the drop-down list.

  • Specify the conditions for the trigger on the right.

  • Click Save changes in the top-right corner.

πŸ’‘ Note: You can build your automations faster with the Duplicate feature. Click the three dots Β·Β·Β· next to a trigger or action and click Duplicate to copy it.


  • Click βž• Add Step and choose an action from the drop-down list.

  • Specify the conditions for the action on the right.

  • Click Save changes in the top-right corner.

  • Add more steps or toggle the automation on in the top-right corner.

  • And that's it!

πŸ’‘ Note: By default, Taskade displays automation output as one block. To break it down, press ⌨️ Shift + Enter in the Content box (e.g. in the Add Task action).


Schedule Automations

The Automation Scheduler automates tasks based on specific time intervals.

  • Go to the Automations tab in your workspace or folder.

  • Click βž• Add automation

    • (optional) Use one of the available templates (see the next section).

  • Click βž• Add Trigger and choose a frequency for the automation:

    • Every Hour

    • Every Day

    • Every Week

    • Every Month

  • Add steps as usual and toggle the automation on in the top-right corner.


Use Automation Templates

Taskade features a variety of automation templates that will enhance your productivity and streamline your workflows. Each template is fully customizable, so you can tailor them to fit your specific needs.

To use an automation template:

  • Go to the Automations tab in your workspace or folder.

  • Choose a category from the menu on the left.

  • Click any of the template tiles to use them.

  • Customize your automation.


Check Automation Status

The Runs tab at the top of the automation dashboard allows you to monitor and manage the performance of your automations. It offers a clear overview of all the automated processes you have set up, complete with progress, status, and other key details.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a task ID?

A task ID serves as a unique identifier for a specific task, similar to how a project ID identifies a project. It streamlines the process of referencing tasks in automations that allow for input and output operations based on task IDs.

To locate a task ID:

  1. Click the three dots Β·Β·Β· next to a task.

  2. Choose Copy Link from the list.

  3. Paste the link anywhere inside the project.

  4. The text following "node-" is the unique identifier of the task.

Can I use Taskade AI in automation flows?

Yes, you can choose from several different Actions that activate Taskade AI and custom AI commands in automation flows. They include:

⚑️ Action

πŸ”€ Purpose

Ask AI

Uses AI to answer questions.

Generate with AI

Uses AI to generate content or responses.

Respond with AI

Automatically provides AI-generated responses.

Ask Agent

Uses a custom AI agent to respond to a query.

Run Agent Command

Uses a custom AI agent command.

πŸ’‘ Note: Visit Custom AI Agents and Taskade AI Assistant to learn more.

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