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Taskade AI Assistant (Mobile)
Updated over a week ago

What Is Taskade AI?

Taskade AI is a powerful productivity assistant that uses machine learning to help you work more efficiently. It can answer complex questions, brainstorm ideas, edit documents, and organize long-form content in seconds.

πŸ’‘ Note: Visit Taskade AI to master AI commands on Mac, Linux, and Windows.

How to Use the AI Assistant

  1. Open a project in iOS or Android.

    • (method 1): Tap the ✨ stars icon in the keyboard toolbar.

    • (method 2): Type "/" followed by one of the AI commands (see next section).

πŸ’‘ Note: Don't like what you see? Tap "Regenerate" to generate a new response. You can also tap "Copy" to save the output to the clipboard.

AI Commands

To use Taskade AI, type a question or text followed by "/" + command name.

πŸ’¬ Command

➑️ Action

🟀 /subtask

Generate subtasks for a parent task.

βšͺ️ /brainstorm

Discover and explore new, exciting ideas.

🟒 /outline

Structure and organize your document.

βšͺ️ /fix spelling and grammar

Improve the structure and flow of your text.

πŸ”΄ /expand

Expand and enrich your content to be more descriptive.

πŸ”΅ /rewrite

Improve the legibility and clarity of your writing.

🟠 /summarize

Turn long content into a quick summary.

🟑 /ask

Answer questions based on AI's existing knowledge.

🟀 /generate questions

Automatically create a list of questions for the query.

🟣 /translate

Translate text into a different language.

Search the web to find more information about a topic.

🟨 /SEO (agent)

Fetch top 10 Google Search results for given keywords.

Draw expert insights from a team of AI agents.

Use Bulk AI Commands

You can apply AI commands to multiple tasks at the same time. Here's how it works:

  1. Tap on the keyboard icon ⌨️ in the main toolbar to hide the keyboard.

  2. Tap and hold the first task/node you want to select.

  3. Move your finger up or down to multi-select more tasks/nodes.

  4. Tap the ✨ stars icon in the keyboard toolbar and choose a command.

How to Get Started

Looking for creative ways to apply Taskade AI to your workflow? Here are a few ideas:

  • (outline) Generate document outlines: Create a comprehensive outline for your article or business report, e.g. "topic/title of your document."

  • (rewrite) Improve your writing: Rewrite sentences and paragraphs in a specific tone to make them clear and effective, e.g. "rewrite in a persuasive tone."

  • (ask) Find information quickly: Ask Taskade AI all kinds of questions to find information on a wide range of topics, e.g. "how far away is the moon."

  • (expand) Brainstorm ideas: Generate ideas, expand on topics, and come up with creative solutions to problems, e.g. "generate articles ideas on topic X."

  • (summarize) Condense long-form content: Turn long meeting minutes or your reading notes into condensed, bite-sized summaries.

  • (expand) Create meeting agendas: Create high-level meeting agendas for your next team sync-up. e.g. "create a meeting agenda for a 15-minute meeting."

  • (expand) Think outside the box: Switch to the Mind Map view to create a visual representation of concepts, problems, and ideas.

  • Create AI templates: Automate your workflows by creating AI-oriented templates with custom prompts. You can also use one of our free AI templates.

πŸ’‘ Note: While Taskade AI is a powerful and versatile tool, it has a few limitations in its current stage of development. Like any other machine learning model, Taskade AI may make mistakes or produce unintended results. It is always a good idea to verify and double-check the output.

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