The Task Manual Trigger allows you to trigger automations from within projects.
How It Works
Navigate to the Automations tab in your workspace/folder.
Click ➕ Create automation ➡ Start from scratch.
Click ➕ Add Trigger ➡ Task Manual Trigger.
Choose the project you want to monitor.
Open the connected project.
Select the tasks you want to use as triggers.
Click Send to Automation in the main toolbar.
Choose the automation from the list.
The automation will process the submitted tasks.
Use Cases
Not sure how to use this trigger? Here are a few ideas:
🪄 Use Case | 🔤 Description |
Client onboarding | Manually trigger an automation to send predefined onboarding emails and assign relevant tasks when a new client project is created. |
Bug tracking & escalation | When a critical bug is identified, trigger an automation to notify the engineering team, create a priority issue, and update stakeholders. |
Content publishing | Once an article draft is completed, trigger automation to schedule social media posts, notify the marketing team, and update the content calendar. |
Invoice processing | Manually trigger automation to generate an invoice, send it to the finance team, and update the payment system. |
Employee offboarding | When an employee resigns, trigger an automation to deactivate accounts, reassign tasks, and send exit checklists. |
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Watch tutorials: youtube.com/taskade
Contact us: taskade.com/contact
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