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Complete / Archive / Delete a Project
Complete / Archive / Delete a Project

Complete, archive, or delete projects to manage your workspace.

Updated over a week ago

Complete / Restore a Project

Whenever you finish a Project, you can either Complete or Delete it (see the next section). Completed Projects are stored in the Completed tab at the top of each Workspace/Folder so they can be quickly restored when you need them.

Option #1: Project Level

  1. Open the project you want to complete.

  2. Click the three dots "β€’β€’β€’" in the top-right corner.

  3. Choose Complete from the drop-down menu.

  4. To restore your Project, go to Completed tab at the top of the workspace/folder.

  5. Select a Project and click the arrow on the right.

πŸ’‘ Note: You can also click the arrow next to a project or folder name and select βœ”οΈβœ”οΈ Completed Projects to access the archive.


Option #2: Workspace Level

  1. Navigate to a Workspace or Folder

  2. Select a Project from the list and click the check mark circle on the right.

  3. To restore your Project, go to Completed tab at the top of the Workspace/Folder

  4. Select a Project and click the arrow on the right.


Delete a Project

If you no longer need a project, you can delete it permanently. To do that:

  1. Navigate to your workspace/folder.

  2. Click β€’β€’β€’ (ellipsis) next to the Project title.

  3. Select Delete Project from the drop-down list.

πŸ’‘ Note: Deleted projects cannot be restored!

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