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Branch (Automation Action)

Create dynamic paths for your automations based on specific conditions.

Updated over a week ago


The Branch step lets you create different paths within your workflow, depending on certain conditions. It chooses the best route based on the situation.

How to Use It

  1. Start by setting up a trigger for your automation.

  2. Add the Branch action to the automation flow.

  3. Define the conditions that will trigger each path.

  4. Within each path, click βž• Add Step to specify what happens next.

  5. You can either finish the automation here or continue with additional actions.

Branch (Settings)

Connector options give you full control over the Filter Data automation:

🏷️ Field

πŸ”€ Description


Choose the input data.


Specify conditions for the data filter.


Enter the value to compare against.

πŸ’‘ Note: Click βž•Add to add more conditions that must all be true for the automation to proceed. Click βž• Or add an alternative condition, meaning that either the first set of conditions or the new set can trigger the automation.

Branch Use Cases

Not sure how to use the Branch action? Here are a few ideas:

πŸͺ„ Use Case

πŸ”€ Description

Task prioritization

Automatically route tasks to different workflows based on priority levels (e.g., High Priority goes to urgent queue, Low Priority to a regular queue).

Project status updates

Depending on project status (e.g., "In Progress," "Completed"), trigger different actions like notifying stakeholders or archiving completed tasks.

Client communication

Direct client inquiries to different paths based on urgency or type (e.g., support requests go to customer service, while sales inquiries go to sales team).

Client onboarding

Customize the onboarding process for new clients by branching the workflow based on client type (e.g., small business vs. enterprise).

Approval processes

Route tasks through different approval paths depending on the task's nature (e.g., financial approvals vs. content approvals).

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