Effortlessly creating engaging blog content is now possible with automation. With Taskade, content creators, bloggers, and marketers can work together to automatically generate blog articles by simply providing a title. This automation utilizes AI to craft blog articles and automatically post them to WordPress.
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Here's what we'll cover:
How to set up an automation to run daily, looking through a Taskade project for any articles that have not been generated, generate them, post them on WordPress, and then update the post status of the tasks in the project.
Create the Automation
We will be using a basic blog writing agent generated to help with creating the article from a title in a Taskade project. Ensure that the project has a Custom Field to track the post status of the blogs and the link to the generated article.
Create the Automation
Create a trigger and select Every Day, select the time and timezone you want the automation to run.
Add the Find Task action and set the Tasks to Return to Return all matching tasks as array. Select the project used to keep track of the blog articles.
Add a Loop action and reference the Array of matching tasks as the variable.
Within the Loop action, add a Run Agent Command, Create Project, Create Post (Wordpress) and Update Custom Fields actions respectively.
In the Run Agent Command action, select the Blog Writing agent and use an appropriate command to generate the article, ensure that the blog title is referenced using the @ symbol.
In the Create Project action, reference the article generated to help keep a record of the generated article.
In the Create Post action, reference the article generated using the @ symbol.
In the Update Custom Field action, reference the Task ID for the current item using the @ symbol and update the status of the article as Posted.
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