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Assign Task

Assign Tasks to other users automatically.

Updated yesterday


Assign Task allows an automation to allocate tasks to team members, ensuring responsibilities are clearly defined and progress is tracked efficiently. This feature simplifies delegation, making it easy to manage workloads, distribute tasks across workflows, and keep projects on track.

How to Use It

  1. Click ➕Add Step and choose the Assign Task action.

  2. Select a Project you would like the automation to run in.

  3. Specify which Task ID you would like the automation to move, this is usually referenced with the @ shortcut from an earlier Trigger or Action. In this example, the Task ID is referenced from the New Comment Trigger.

  4. Select the User would like assigned to the Task.

  5. Finish the automation or add more steps for further processing.

Assign Task (Settings)

Connector options give you full control over the Assign Task automation:

🏷️ Field

🔤 Description


Select which Project you would like the automation to run in.

Task ID

Enter or reference a Task ID you want to assign a user to. Note that this Task ID must exist in the Project selected in the previous field.


Select the User you want the Task to be assigned to. Note only Users who are members of the Project will be available for selection.

Assign Task Use Cases

Not sure how to use the Assign Task action? Here are a few ideas:

🪄 Use case

🔤 Description

Assign a Task created from a Youtube Video

Keep track of updates from your favourite Youtube channel and assign the summaries to yourself to catch up later.

Assign a Task created from an Email

Use Assign Task to automatically create and assign tasks users when a new email is received, depending on what the subject of the email is, it can be assigned to different team members to handle.

Assign a Task created from a Youtube Video

Assigning a Task from an Email

😊 Helpful links

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