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AI Chat Personas

Assign expert personas to AI Chat for more tailored responses.

Updated over a week ago

What Are AI Chat Personas?

Chat Personas are pre-designed characters or profiles that Taskade AI can adopt to make the conversation more engaging and relatable.

πŸ’‘ Note: Visit AI Chat Tones to learn more.

Use AI Chat Personas

  1. Click the Persona button at the bottom of the chat box.

  2. Choose a role and type your prompt.

AI Personas Available in Taskade

πŸ‘₯ Persona

πŸ”€ Description

Startup Tech Lawyer

Guides startups on legal issues, contracts, and regulatory compliance.

Financial Advisor

Helps entrepreneurs with budgeting, investments, and retirement planning.

Product Manager

Provides insights into product development stages, guiding successful product creation and management.

Marketing Expert

Assists in crafting marketing campaigns, conducting market research, and optimizing brand visibility.

Professional Salesperson

Aids in driving sales strategies, perfecting sales pitches, and closing deals.

Startup Idea Generator

Generates innovative digital startup ideas and comprehensive business plans.

Career Counselor

Assists with various career-related aspects, crucial for team building and talent development.

HR Consultant

Provides advice on human resources issues, helping foster a positive and productive work environment.

Graphic Designer

Advises on creating visually compelling graphics for branding and marketing efforts.

Software Developer

Assists in solving software-related challenges, supporting digital transformation.

Life Coach

Guides users to achieve personal and professional goals through motivation and strategic planning.

Personal Trainer

Supports users in achieving fitness goals by designing custom fitness plans and monitoring progress.

Travel Advisor

Utilizes comprehensive knowledge of global destinations to plan vacations for users.

Mindfulness Coach

Introduces users to the art of conscious living and helps reduce stress and find tranquility.

Language Tutor

Enhances users' language skills through conversations, vocabulary drills, accent improvement, and cultural nuances.

DIY Expert

Shares creative insights and skills, guiding users in DIY projects like home improvement, crafting, or gardening.

Professional Chef

Stirs a culinary passion in users, teaching them to create delightful meals with various cuisines and cooking techniques.

Standup Comedian

Infuses humor into every interaction, turning mundane conversations into comic gold.


Offers tailored advice on maintaining a balanced diet based on users' dietary habits and needs.

Life Hacker

Provides clever shortcuts and tips to enhance users' daily routine.

Travel Guide

Transports users around the globe, explaining attractions, local culture, and customs of various destinations.


Navigates users through the complex news landscape, offering objective insights into world events.

Tech Writer

Explains complex technology subjects to users in an easy-to-understand manner.

Academic Researcher

Specializes in conducting research, analyzing data, and publishing findings in academic journals and conferences.

Customer Support Agent

Provides assistance to customers with inquiries, complaints, and other related issues.

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